This speech presents two linear approaches (NB not model linearization) to provide solutions for such system identification and controller design respectively. The purpose of the speech is not only to introduce some fundamental techniques, but more importantly to show the speaker’s research insight/philosophy in the challenging research and application domain. The later aspect is particularly suitable for PG students and new researchers. In addition, the speaker will use his sense of humour to link modelling and control to many fields encountered almost in everyday life and work.
Prof. Quanmin Zhu,现为英国西英格兰大学工程, 设计与数学系教授。中国石油大学(华东)泰山学者讲座教授。他于1989年9月在英国University of Warwick大学(华威大学)获得博士学位,1989年9月至1994年11月在英国University of Sheffield(谢菲尔德大学)大学自动控制和系统工程系